Meet Team Heavy Snowfall

Adam Oresten
Project Manager & Technical Animator
Adam handled most cross diciplinary communication, and the project managment with backlogs and meeting minutes. He rigged, animated, and integrated the characters of Dungeon Town, and assisted in most situations where a deeper technical know-how was required.

Martin Holmström
Lead Artist
Martin was responsible for the art direction in Dungeon Town, and ensuring that artists always had something to do. He also contributed most of the enviromental art inside of the dungeons themselves. The nature of his role meant that he also helped out wherever there was need, such as characters, props, and more.

Rian Drake
Lead Programmer
Rian had the role of lead programmer, and he coordinated the programmers in making and managing of the codebase. His main contributions, however, lies in the town UI and gameplay, the player selection UI, and the ability system. As a lead programmer, he also developed tools to streamline our pipeline.

Matthew Bowen
Matt was the creator of the procedural dungeon algorithm, and he worked closely with the art lead to ensure that the dungeon generation worked and looked aesteticly pleasing.

Alexander Diogo
2D & UI artist
Alexander had the role as the sole 2D and UI artist, and worked especially close with the lead programmer to integrate his icons, layouts, and art style into the UI in the game. All of the icons inside of Dungeon Town were created by him as well.

Jesper "Jack" Karlsson
VFX Artist
Jesper's role on the game was that of an VFX artist, and all of the spells and trap's particle effects were of his creation. He worked together with the technical artist and the other programmers to integrate his particles into Dungeon Town's ability system.

Kasper Klasson
Prop Artist
Kasper's role in Dungeon Town was as a prop artist. He worked with the art lead to create various props and traps for the dungeon.

Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil's responsibilities was solely inside of the AI behaviour trees and general AI behavior inside of Unreal Engine 4. He worked very closely with the art lead and technical artist to integrate animations for the various creatures in the dungeon.

Jeandre Marais
Prop Artist
Jeandre was a prop artist, and together with the art lead he populated some of the dungeon's rooms with his props together with the lead artist. He was the creator of the majority of the props inside of Dungeon Town.

Joshua Thompson
Joshua worked together with the technical artist to integrate and develop solutions to animation driven abilities. He helped out where there was weak points in all parts of the project, and helped the artists integrate their art.